> weitere domainnamen
Weitere Domains / Domainnamen
1.) | | Ausbau, Innenausbau, Renovierung |
2.) | best-of-kö | Das beste von Köln |
3.) | brü | Brüllaffen |
4.) | | |
5.) | eierlikö | Eierlikör |
6.) | gedä | Gedächnisschwund und Amnesie |
7.) | holzfällerhü | holzfällerhütte |
8.) | johannisbeerlikö | johannisbeerlikör |
9.) | karnevalszü | Karnevalsumzug |
10.) | | kunsthandwerk |
11.) | kölnfü | Köln |
12.) | meerschweinchenkä | meerschweinchenkäfig |
13.) | mö | möhrenkuchen |
14.) | mü | Mürbeteig |
15.) | nationalitä | Nationalität |
16.) | peripheriegerä | Peripheriegerät |
17.) | pfefferminzlikö | Pfefferminzlikör |
18.) | richtige-ernä | Ernährung |
19.) | rä | Räumfahrzeug |
20.) | rü | Rückenmark |
21.) | rü | Rüstwagen |
22.) | | |
23.) | skifahren-in-ö | Skifahren |
24.) | tauch-ausrü | Tauchausrüstung |
25.) | verbä | Verband |
Top Level Domains
1.) | .alstom | generic | ALSTOM | |
2.) | .beer | generic | Registry Services, LLC | |
3.) | .chase | generic | JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association | |
4.) | .equipment | generic | Binky Moon, LLC | |
5.) | .etisalat | generic | Emirates Telecommunications Corporation (trading as Etisalat) | |
6.) | .gallery | generic | Binky Moon, LLC | |
7.) | .grocery | generic | Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. | |
8.) | .gt | country-code | Universidad del Valle de Guatemala | |
9.) | .imamat | generic | Fondation Aga Khan (Aga Khan Foundation) | |
10.) | .ipiranga | generic | Ipiranga Produtos de Petroleo S.A. | |
11.) | .kz | country-code | Association of IT Companies of Kazakhstan | |
12.) | .mba | generic | Binky Moon, LLC | |
13.) | .mp | country-code | Saipan Datacom, Inc. | |
14.) | .nyc | generic | The City of New York by and through the New York City Department of Information Technology & Telecommunications | |
15.) | .prime | generic | Amazon Registry Services, Inc. | |
16.) | .pt | country-code | Associação DNS.PT | |
17.) | .realestate | generic | dotRealEstate LLC | |
18.) | .sanofi | generic | Sanofi | |
19.) | .si | country-code | Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES) | |
20.) | .sv | country-code | SVNet | |
21.) | .tatamotors | generic | Tata Motors Ltd | |
22.) | .ubs | generic | UBS AG | |
23.) | .weatherchannel | generic | International Business Machines Corporation | |
24.) | ارامكو | generic | Aramco Services Company | |
25.) | ລາວ | country-code | Lao National Internet Center (LANIC) |